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The Union Cabinet has approved the new national education policy. It is on the recommendations made by a panel headed by former ISRO chief K.Kasturirangan. The Ministry of Human Resources and Revelopment has been renamed as Education Ministry.  Key Highlights #  A new system divided into 5+3+3+4 format, instead of 10+2 system. # A new curriculum framework including pre-school and anganvadi years. #  First five years of school- foundation stage, next three years- preparatory stage, next three years- middle stage, last four years- secondary stage. # Classes on coding and vocational activities - from class 6 onwards. # Schools will not have any rigid formation of streams of science,arts, commerce etc. Students can take up whichever courses they want. #  A national mission on foundational literacy and numeracy will ensure basic skills at the class 3 level by 2025. #  Tribal and indigenous knowledge will be incorporated into the curriculum. #  Nation...
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    The wise selection of optional for UPSC CSE is the primary factor which decides one's rank. UPSC CSE has two optional papers-which we can select. UPSC is providing various options and we can select among these subjects. HOW TO SELECT OPTIONAL SUBJECT?            You should keep 3 important points in your mind while selecting optional. # Interest # Sources # Doubt clearing            Interest:- you should always select a subject which is interesting. You should be able to study that subject at least for 3hours continuously. It may be either your graduation subject or something else. If you pick up your graduation subject as your optional, it will be much easier to score more. However you can choose other subjects too. Anyway, ensure that studying optional will contribute to the general studies papers also. For instance, if you choose political science and international relations as your optional,it will...

How to be simple?-Mantra of simple life.

National Simplicity Day is celebrating on July 12th in the remembrance of Henry David Thoreau.He is a famous author, philosopher, historian,tax resister, abolitionist, development critic, surveyor and leading transcendentalist. He was an advocate for living a life of simplicity. He encouraged people to live in a simple way.He is best known for his book 'Walden' which forth the concept of simple living with nature. "       The current world is rushing to get an advanced and sumptuous life. Money and fame are the objectives of life. These pleasures will not last till the end. They are not the ultimate satisfaction.       Living a satisfying life is the most valuable thing in this world. We can enjoy the ultimate satisfaction only by living a simple life.Our religious leaders had lead and encouraged simple life style.     Living simply doesn't mean living without. We should identify what we need. Simpl...

How to Cover Daily Current Affairs for Civil Service Examination?

          UPSO Civil Service Examination is considered to be one of the most toughest examination. Vast syllabus and long exam process are the peculiarities to this exam.           The syllabus of upsc civil service exam has a static as well as a dynamic part. The static part refers to the theoretical knowledge- theories, historical facts, definitions, explanation etc...           The dynamic part denotes current affairs. Most of the aspirants consider covering current affairs as the most difficult part of their preparation.              Majority of the questions in UPSC prelims,mains and personality test are associated with current events. For instance,there would be questions regarding urban flood management, if that particular year has experienced any flooding problems. Thus current affairs have a great role in preparation.   Is there any su...

UPSC Civil Service Examination-Tips and Strategy

      UPSC Civil Service Examination is considering as the most toughest examination. The vast syllabus is the main feature of Civil Service Examination.      Perseverance and self discipline help us to crack this exam. Smart work is the key to success, more specifically smart hard work is required. Following are some tips and strategy for beginners. Syllabus       Understanding syllabus is the first and foremost thing in preparation. Aspirants encounter a lot of mistakes regarding syllabus. For instance, the General Studies first Paper consist only Post Independence history of India. However there are a large number of people who are studying Ancient and Medieval history of India, even if their optional is not history.This is a common mistakes. We should avoid such mistakes. Previous question papers           Previous question papers will guide us through the proper channel. Analyzing past year...

Two Funny Ways to Increase Vocabulary

          Speaking in English is a reluctant task for most of us.This is mainly because of the gap between our words, that is,our poor vocabulary. A strong vocabulary base is the first step required to study English.          Majority of us may have tried to study ten new words per day. It is really a piffle experiment in my experience, because I didn't remember those words after two days.          We can use some funny ways to increase our vocabulary. Otherwise we can make our method of studying new words,a funny game.         Here are some funny ways to strengthen our vocabulary.  #1. Change the name              In this method we are using English counterparts instead of names in our mother tongue. Use these English words in your talks.         For instance,there is a Malayalam movie - Lelam , which means auctio...