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How to Cover Daily Current Affairs for Civil Service Examination?

          UPSO Civil Service Examination is considered to be one of the most toughest examination. Vast syllabus and long exam process are the peculiarities to this exam. 
         The syllabus of upsc civil service exam has a static as well as a dynamic part. The static part refers to the theoretical knowledge- theories, historical facts, definitions, explanation etc...
          The dynamic part denotes current affairs. Most of the aspirants consider covering current affairs as the most difficult part of their preparation. 
            Majority of the questions in UPSC prelims,mains and personality test are associated with current events. For instance,there would be questions regarding urban flood management, if that particular year has experienced any flooding problems. Thus current affairs have a great role in preparation.
  Is there any substitute for the daily news paper reading?
             Daily newspaper reading is considered as an integral part of civil service exam preparation.  But there is pros and cons of this 'ritual process'. It will be a complicated and time consuming process, if we do not have sufficient understanding of what to read and what not. At the same time we can improve our language and writing skills through newspaper reading.
              The interview board or UPSC doesn't matter whether you read newspaper or not. All you need is to cover current events and build up your own views regarding that. Here are some substitutes for daily newspaper reading..
#  Applications and websites
           In this technologically advanced world, we can not say that newspaper reading is compulsory. There are lots of apps and sites which help us to mug up daily current affairs. They would be in an organized manner and in exam perspective.
# Monthly Magazines
            There is enough current affairs magazines available at free of cost through internet. Download such one (or two-if required) magazine and use 4-5 days in each month to study these magazines. Thus you can substitute daily newspaper reading with monthly magazines.
#  Comprehensive News Analysis and YouTube sources
                Comprehensive News Analysis is available in different sites on a daily basis. They are much better than newspapers. Because they cover all important aspects of the current events. Current Affairs analysis videos are also available in YouTube. They are also sufficient for our preparation.
         Using these ways you can substitute newspaper reading. You should be smart to crack this exam. Be smart and don't waste your time. All the best god bless you.

     Bonus Tips
  Always watch YouTube videos by increasing their play back speed. This will save your time.
  Avoid manual note making for current affairs, instead use copy-paste technique.
